Monday, August 31, 2009

26 weeks!

I need to start doing better on pictures again! I have hardly taken any in quite awhile. This morning I went to do some belly pictures and Jessi wanted in on the action too. :D 26 weeks!

Baby seems to be doing good.. obvously growing! I started painting his room last night. Only one wall so far, but that was our "test wall" so we could see how we really wanted to do it. Once we get it painted we can start on the flooring.. and then putting everything in it!
I got a fortune cookie Friday night (The 28th) that said: "remember three months from this date. Good things are in store for you."
That would be very funny if baby came that day (Nov. 28th).. I've jokingly been guessing that day! (It's the day after the Nebraska/Colorado football game, which is always a BIG deal. Since I always get sooo into the games, I've been joking that it could put me into labor.) My actual due date is December 4th.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Young love...

Jessi's got a boyfriend :D

Monday, August 10, 2009

Pictures from summer

I've been meaning to post these pictures from when Relyssa was here :) Jessi really loves her Auntie Reese.

Sharing her pudding:

For some reason, Jessi decided her swiming suit made a good baby carrier! Lol!

Reading... Something Resse did ALOT of while she was here. I think Jessi now has all of her books memorized ;)

On our way to Omaha.. To leave Resse there :(

Oh, and thank you all for the baby names.... Alas, "Baby Monster" is still nameless.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Just for fun - Name our baby ;)

So the whole naming process is getting very frustrating to me. I'm having a hard time finding names I like and what I do like, Wade doesn't. And I don't like any of his names. I don't know why it seems so hard to find boy names? Maybe because alot of them are so common? And then there's the whole deal with people making boy's names popular for girls. (I can't talk too much though, Jessi (Jesse) used to be a common boys name.)

So for fun, leave me a comment with a name, 10 names, whatever.
Here's what we have liked... (Obvously, not many "normal, everyday" names)
My list:

Wade's list:

Who know's.... maybe you'll name our baby for us! Lol!