Sunday, October 9, 2011

Raya's Big Red Longies

I finally got Raya's Husker longies done!! They're the first pair of longies (besides one doll pair) that I've made. They took forever because I ran out of yarn and the co-op I ordered more from took forever. So, halfway into football season and they're finally done. ;)
She thinks she's pretty smart for pulling herself up on things now.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Since I don't have facebook...

Here's my two "would be" status updates for today:

~The problem with Jessi and connect the dots is that she always wants to take the long way around to the next number... by the time she's done you can't even tell what the picture was supposed to be.~


~Ever find that after having kids, you tend to cross you legs when you have to sneeze?~

The first step.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Project #1




Monday, October 3, 2011

Hello World.

It's been a while. Too long. How are you? I hope fabulous.
Me? Well, I'm doing all right. It's fall and the weather is gorgeous... for now. It's the now that I'm holding on to.

Jessi is 4 1/2. Going on 13. She finally has a best friend in the next door neighbor girl and they're inseperatable when they're both home.

Barrett, he's a little stinker. He's talking a lot more now, it took him a little while. He's loving both of his sisters and is going thru one of those "adjustment" periods to getting a little bit older. He'll be 2 in 2 months.

Raya 7 months old. She's such a sweetheart. She was rolling around by 3 months, scooting at 4 and was crawling and sitting before her 6th month. For a few weeks she's been finding shorter objects that she can use as a prop to stand up.... she's just not satisfied learning one thing and sticking to it for a while!

Wade, he's still himself, still working his butt off for us. <3 He's very much looking forward to a short hunting break in November.

As for me, I've decided to make a few changes in my life. Hunter convention was a little over a week ago and it was so good to be there and just open myself up to what would be for me.
One of my strongest desires I came home with was to close my facebook account. Crazy, huh? But I did it. It's been 4 days and honestly, and adjustment. But a good one. I really need to get my life and home organized. I was spending way too much time online.
I've started a weekly and daily to-do list for myself that includes the simple chores to keep myself focused and on track. I've also started a menu-planner so I can know ahead of time what I'm making for supper, have the grocery for it and get it going.
The biggest reasons for needing change was because I was falling so far behind it was just making me feel depressed about it so that I couldn't just get started. Also, I started a job this past week. I'm working evenings, starting directly after Wade gets home from work. I know we'll both go nuts if things are a mess around here. (and I don't just mean the toys!)

I'll get some updated pictures on here soon! I'm looking forward to blogging again.