Thursday, October 6, 2011

Since I don't have facebook...

Here's my two "would be" status updates for today:

~The problem with Jessi and connect the dots is that she always wants to take the long way around to the next number... by the time she's done you can't even tell what the picture was supposed to be.~


~Ever find that after having kids, you tend to cross you legs when you have to sneeze?~


The J's said...

haha, that's great--especially the one about sneezing!
That's right, if you're not updating on FB, you're going to have to keep up on here!
We had us a good long discussion on "undressing" chickens today--haha!

Lynisha Weeda said...

Um... yep. 'nuff said!

Gramma's Corner said...

#2--yes, what Lynisha said.

Neisha said...

I'm thinking every mom is nodding her head yes :)