My kid is the kid that's going to get in trouble in preschool/kindergarten for telling other kids stuff that would "appal" their parents.
We're planning a homebirth, most of you know that. We decided a while back that if she wants to be, Jessi should be there when the baby is born. So our fist step was to have her watch a few birth video's to see how she'd react, and make sure she was at least ok seeing it on video. I don't think we could have imagined her reaction.... She loved it. After watching the mother moaning thru labor, pushing and then popping out a baby, Jessi's sitting there wide-eyed and says: "Mama!! I want to watch another baby bein' born'in!" So we watch video after video. (youtube)And she cries when we turn it off. She's hooked.
(She already seemed to grasp the baby-in-belly thing after watching Sara go thru her pregnancy and meeting Wyatt after he was born- she's the one that first brought up that Wyatt was the baby that had been in Sara's belly)
So fast forward a few months. If you don't want to hear "innaproprate" things, or read about a little girl knowing about things like birth, don't read this :)
Jessi and I are getting out of the shower. We go in my room to get dressed and I notice she's staring at me, with the look on her face that you can tell the wheels are turning... As she points she says "Mommy.. The baby comes out there?" I laughed and told her yes. Then she goes "Oh.. It looks kind of scary!!"
After seeing several new babys in the past little while, Jessi is quite impatient for her baby brother to get here. Last week we were driving and she's chattering about the baby and she asked me if she could hold him yet. I told her no, because the baby hadn't been born yet. She goes "Oh.. the baby hasn't come out of your bum?" I said no Jess, baby hasn't come out of my bum yet. She says "Oh, Ok. When he comes out, I can hold him, OK? He won't be icky."
The other day I was sitting in the recliner and she was sitting in front of me. She decided it would be fun to "squish" me. I asked her to quit because she was hurting me and she says "That's ok mommy, I'll just squish that baby right outta you."
We've been working on potty training. She's been doing so great, but she wouldn't poop in the toilet! It was so frustrating. She came up with her own little bribe that if she went poop in the potty, she'd get a big girl bike and we said ok.
But, it wasn't seeming to help. Every time after she'd poop her diaper, we'd talk about it and she'd talk more about "next time" and getting her bike.
FINALLY, one night I caught her in the act! I ran her upstairs and put her on the potty- much to her dismay. She's sitting there bawling and then, all of a sudden, PLOP. YES! She gasp's and says "Mommy! I did it!" We tell her she's a big girl, good job, blah blah blah.
She's talking about it and she says "Wow, that's STINKY! It's a big poop, Mommy! But I feel so much better! My bum feels better with the poop out of it."
As she gets wiped and climbes off the potty, I told her to flush it bye-bye. She says "Ok... Do I have to give it a hug?" I told her no and she says "Oh, ok. Good.. It stinks and it's icky. That'd be gross".
Last week she's sitting on the potty and she had already told me she needed to poop. I'm in the bedroom (Right next to the bathroom, with the door inbetween open) and she yells out to me "MOM!!! THERE'S A
MONSTER COMIN' OUTTA MY BUM!!!" Wade & I busted up laughing and she says "Come see!! It's a BIG one!"
She's done awsome ever sense. She's very proud of herself and she got her big-girl bike.