Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What's going on in my life

Hello, Blog. It's been forever. Once again, I'm sorry for neglecting you.
I'd like to tell you that I've just been so busy always cleaning, cooking, changing diapers, feeding babies, feeding kids, playing with kids, rocking babies and kids that I just didn't have much time for you, but.... Wait, yep, that's it.

So what's up with us? Well,
Wade's started on our gardens. We're adding another garden this year.
A little play time...
I've been cuddling babies...
Raya's been being cuddled...

Jessi's loving the warm weather and loves playing baseball.
Barrett's loving the warm weather too. He's just getting over his second round of pneumonia in 2 1/2 months.

As for me, besides (trying to) cleaning, cooking, feeding, playing, etc. I've just recently started selling Norwex products! I LOVE this stuff! I'm going to have to do another blog post for it, for those who don't know what Norwex is. But for now I have to take Barrett to his Dr. appointment.
But here's my website. ;)


Lynisha Weeda said...

I forgot to say something when I talked to you today - you should have had them check his tonsils and adenoids when he went in - or maybe they did?

Wrena said...

Thanks for the update, I was beginning to wonder if you all decided to hibernate another spell... Hooray for Daddies to help with gardens and play! Hope your lil buddy stays well this time and enjoys summer!