We had a very fun halloween. This was our first year to go trick-or-treating in the small little town we live in, even though we've lived here 3+ years. They do small-town style here and it's great. All the businesses do trick-or-treating in the afternoon so we went... and then we went door-to-door in the evening too. Everybody's so friendly and the older folks loved seeing the kids.. it seems like they get just as much or a bigger blast out of it as the kids!
Jessi was a little shy at first and didn't want to say anything, let alone "Trick or treat" but after a few houses she was tearing up to the door, ringing doorbells and shouting "TRICK OR TREAT!" when people opened the door.
A few pictures from that afternoon:
My dragon and ladybug. (minus the wings.. they were pretty big!)

My witch and one of her best friends, the spider.

Such an adorable witch. She was pretty sure she wanted to be a mean witch, but how can this face look mean?

The meanest witch face she could muster up. Here with her other best friend, the cheeta.

The group of kids we were trick-or-treating with.

Time to go home!

Oh, and much to our disappointment, Wade & I didn't dress up. Maybe next year, we both love to... we just didn't have time to find a costume or two.