Saturday, December 12, 2009

Barrett Jack ~ 12/1/2009

Barrett Jack was born at home, after 2 1/2 hrs of labor on December 1st!
We had a great home water-birth, I will never do it any other way. (If it happens again that is! LOL!)

It all started Monday night (11/30) at 10:00 when my water broke. I started laughing because I had been laying there just waiting for it to happen. I had already decided that this would be the night, and it seems everybody was on the same page about that!
Called my Midwife Molly right away and she got there at 11:00. We got Mom up around then too. (Mom, Lynisha, her 2 kids & Meshayla all were there.. Meshayla went to watch my friend Sara's son though so she could be there at the birth) Sara also go there around 11:00.
At some point, the pool got filled up and I got in... It was fabulous! Didn't take it all away, but made it barable.
Barrett was born at 12:30am. I pushed one time myself to get his head out. No tears :D

A lot of people assume that a fast labor/birth means less pain. Let me set this straight: Not so!!
It just means the same amount of pain in less time, which comparing to Jessi's birth (9 hrs) almost makes it harder. I hardly had time to process what was going on. The first time Molly checked me, I only had a lip of cervix left. Next thing I know, baby's moving down, contractions are non-stop and it hurts. I remember I said "I just want it to stop!" I didn't mean the labor.. It was the big long never contraction I was having that was pushing the baby down. It was very, very intense.

I kept asking Molly if he was ok when he was born.. he just snuggled right up against me and never made a sound! Wasn't even moving. But she assured me that he was alright.

It was so nice to go from the pool straight to the bed we had blown up right next to the pool and be able to cuddle with my little family. It was nice not to have the rush of "emergency" when it came time for him to be born. Nobody freaking out, putting on some green costume, telling you when to push, when not to push, etc. Everything/body was so calm. (Except me!! :D )

Barrett Jack (Finally named after more than 17 hrs. after he was born!)
7lbs 10oz. 20 1/4" long.

Oh, and Jessi didn't make it to the birth ;) They kept asking me if I wanted them to go get her or if we should leave her sleeping. I said I didn't care. Sara went to get her up and I guess Jessi didn't want to wake up. Lol! She went and got her right after Barrett was born, told her that her baby brother was born and she jumped right out of bed. She went "Ohh... Mommy!!" and was itching to hold him right away! She's a great big sister, she's so proud of him and wants to hold and mommy him all the time!


Gramma's Corner said...

WOW glad it went so well.

Helen said...

Congrats! LOve his name and like seeing the pictures. Brings back memories. Both my babies were born in the water also (at a hospital) with great motherly midwives and I loved the soothing aspect of it. My labors were also fast 5 hrs and 2.5!

The J's said...

So special to be there! One of my greatest joys!

Jeanette said...

I am so happy for you! Congratulations!

Emily said...

Congratulations! He's so handsome!

Njos Family said...

OOh I'm soo jealous you got a water birth. Very happy that it all went as perfect as possible.

Neisha said...

glad to hear the birth went well

Lynisha Weeda said...

Yay! Glad you got the post up! It was SO great to be there, and I'm with you - Fast labor does NOT = easier! My 1 hr 15 minute labor with Trey was SO intense - nothing like my 8 hour labor with Kyrie! So it's all the intensity wrapped into a very short amount of time but it does get it over quicker!

gkey said...

So happy you had a good birthing experience and glad to hear some details.
His name is really nice too! We had those two written down as a choice before we decided on Jackson.
Enjoy these newborn days, they always go by too fast. Looking forward to seeing you at the wedding soon.
Love and congratulations to you all!

Bonnie said...

Congratulations on your new baby boy!

Anonymous said...

Hay Dalayna. You don't know me - I'm an australian and we travelled through NE and stayed a night with your mum and dad. We got to meet 9/12 of the J's =)
You've got an awsome blog and a beautiful family!