Sunday, January 23, 2011

It's late at night...

And I'm tired. And sore. But I have "blog guilt" because I haven't updated in a long time!
Besides, if I go to bed, I'll just lay there and not be able to go to sleep anyways, so why even try? (Pregnancy insomnia!)

December 1st was Barrett's first birthday. We celebrated that weekend.
I made his cake... A monster cake for baby monster. <3

He wasn't too sure about it at first....
But quickly became very accepting!
And begged for more every time he ran out :D
This kid LOVES his baths!

Jessi loves to play outside. (I need a newer picture, we now have about twice as much snow!)
Too bad it's way too cold for her to be out most of the time! :(
Rosy cheeks!
Barrett's favorite thing to do.... Pull everything out of the "diaper dresser"! The little bag he's holding has "booty bits" in it (Soap bits to put in our spray waterbottle for a cloth wet-wipe solution.) and it's his favorite thing to play with! I've had to hide it several times.

Most recent full belly picture.. I think this was at 30 weeks. (33+ now)
32 weeks. With part of my back-fat cut out. Haha.

Things have been going good here. We have about 6ish weeks until Baby time. Her diaper stash is complete. And probably a bit overboard... What?! Did I just say that? No.
I've been feeling very well. Which is honestly a huge relief from my pregnancy with Barrett. It wasn't so much that I didn't feel well with him, I was just in SO.MUCH pain all the time.
I've been very thankful to be able to just enjoy this pregnancy.

Barrett's now walking all over the place. He still can't/won't stand up in the middle of the floor (unless he falls and doesn't go all the way down) but it's now his preferred method of getting around. We gave him a haircut the other day and it makes him look like a different boy! It makes me sad, he's getting so big. And now there's going to be another baby. Which in one way, makes me sad because he's still supposed to be my baby!
He's still nursing. There's been some times (now included) when I've been sure he's just about done because of different things, but each time, we get thru it! My milk has decreased and then came back several times now. Last week I was positive I was "all dried up" but it's getting better now. He has been getting goat milk ever since he turned one. We're about out of it, so after this is gone we'll just go to regular whole milk.

Jessi~ She's a clown, a sweetie, a pest, and everything in between.
Every morning after Wade goes to work, she wakes up and crawls into bed with me. It's our special cuddle time.
She's SO excited for her baby sister to get here. Every time we get something (like a diaper....) in the mail for her, she gets so excited about it.
Her birthday is in 2 days. I can't believe it! We kept asking her what she wanted for her birthday and she always told us, "A party! With everybody there!"
So, a party it shall be.
And hopefully I'll get pictures of it up sooner!

I'm done doing daycare now. 'Nuf said on that. Haha.

So yeah..... there you go.


The J's said...

Oh Dalayna--I'm so happy you updated--I've been looking at this neglected blog every day (on my list) to see if it's been updated! I can't wait to come see those sweeties! ALL of you :)
I remember the pg insomnia so well. I had it especially with my 2nd. I think sometime after that it went away--probably the "not enough sleep" overcame.
This grammie seriously is missing those birthday parties!! We're going to have to do something special to make up for it when I come!

Relyssa Weeda said...

they are both SO adorable :) i cannot wait to see Baby Monkey.. im sure she will be just as cute!

Neisha said...

you're beautiful with your belly, you carry pregnancy really well :)