Thursday, April 9, 2009

I've been tagged

Well, Jeanette tagged me so:

I've been tagged......
1. Choose the fourth folder where you store pictures on your computer. 2. Choose the fourth picture. 3. Explain that picture. 4. Tag 4 other people.

(Now, I don't have different folders since my pictures are on my work coumpter and then I save them online... So I'll just do my forth picture)

This picture was taken this morning. Jessi crawled into bed with us about 3 am and when she woke up, she saw I had the camera in my hand and she asked me to take a picture. Lol!
So here's my silly just-woken-up girl :)

Now I tag Mom, Aunt Lori, Sara & Heather.


The J's said...

Aw! What a cutie! Can't wait to see her tomorrow!
Hugs, Mom

Jeanette said...

At least she is full of giggles in the early kids would have been grumping!

Huisman5 said...

As soon as I get home I'll dig one out!