Friday, May 1, 2009


After a very nasty scare starting Sunday, we were finally able to get in yesterday for an ultrasound to make sure everything was fine. The waiting was horrible.
When the U/S tech took us back she asked us if we were just there for a regular u/s and I said yes.. I didn't want to tell her that we were in because of complications because I didn't want her to think she had to go through the Dr. first and not hear anything right away. I wanted to know now!

Well, as soon as she started we could see the little peanut and she said "Oh wow, look at it move! It's very active!" We were SO relieved! Baby was sitting there wiggling away! Heartbeat was 170 She said it's usually that high right now because baby's doing so much growing right now. Baby was measuring right at 9 weeks and I'm 9 weeks today so it's right on. You could see the little arms and legs that are growing. It's amazing what 3 weeks can do.. we had a 6 week u/s with Jessi and she just looked like a little bean then :)

I do have a cyst on my ovary, so that was causing one of the pains I was feeling. I suspected that because I've had a cyst before so I recognized that pain. The other pain, not so much.

I just got off the phone with the nurse and she said it seems like I had a "threatened miscarrage" but that everything looks just fine now.


Raimie said...

Thank goodness! I'm sure you feel so much better. WE had a similar scare with L. - we couldn't get a heartbeat at 12 weeks and so Midwife said we could wait and see or do an ultrasound - after a horrible weekend of not knowing we did the u/s on monday and all was fine - the dates were just off by two weeks and he was only 8 weeks along so it was normal to miss his tiny heart tones with a doppler.
Seems like you worry a lot more about thses things the more healthy pregnancies/babies you have... maybe you just realize more and more how lucky you are.
I hope everything continues to be OK for you.

Dalayna said...

Thanks Raimie :) I think you're right.. we had such a normal pregnancy with Jessi, nothing out of the normal at all!

The J's said...

So was the diagnoses of "threatened miscarriage" because of your symptoms, or something that the ultra sound showed?
Glad you got to see it wiggling around! that's so relieving :)

Laura Jelinek said...

Yay for "little IT" wriggling and being okay! Love and hugs! Laura

Neisha said...

so glad to hear everything is fine!

Jeanette said...

whoo! How scary!

I am glad to hear all is ok!

jrjelinek said...

Glad all is okay now. Such a relief to see them moving around before you can realy feel them moving around especialy when you are having a scary time.

Huisman5 said...

Glad everything is going okay! (Kyle was my kid of scares!) Sure were thinking of you!
Love, US