Friday, January 23, 2009

A hair-raising experience

Haha, I couldn't think of another title.

So awhile back I had read a lot about "no-poo'ing". No, it's not what it seems.
It's not using shampoo to wash your hair. (Google "no-poo'ing" and "why go no-poo' " for more)
It seemed like an intresting thing, so I decided to try it. I decided to go with the using Baking soda to wash and an apple cider vinegar rinse. I slowly phased out my shampoo with it and once I was only using the BS & ACV, it was awsome. My hair had never felt better.
Well, then we moved into our house and on day 1 Wade broke the water softner, and my no-poo went bad so I had to stop. I hated using shampoo with chemicals in it again, but I did the best I could.

Now, when I had gone no-poo, my hair started getting a little bit curly! When I was a baby I had a little bit of curly hair, but it never lasted. Since then my hair has been not really straight, but not curly at all. Just kind of frizzy unless I did something with it. The first thing no-poo did though was make it really silky. Here's a picture from the good times of no-poo'ing: (but before the curls)

So then somebody told me about a shampoo bar they really liked from HERE
I've been trying it for the last 2 weeks or so. It's all natural. So here's a picture of my hair I took the other day... Guess what it started doing again??
Intresting what not having any chemicals in your hair can do.
I can't wait untill it's done "adjusting". It does take a little bit for your hair to get used to not having all the junk in it.

And speaking of hair....
Just another post about my wierd way of living. :D


Jeanette said...

so now we know where Jessi gets her curly/wavy hair.

I hate chemical shampoo and haven't used any on my children nor myself. I use all natural/organic products that I purchase from Young Living Essential Oils.

The J's said...

NO! Seriously?? The curls I mean?? yes, your hair was lovely soft curls when you were little!
The last month or so I have quit using my regular shampoo, and started using the Arbonne shampoo--wow, what a difference! Takes a while to get used to the different feel, but I notice a couple things. My hair doesn't need washed as often. And before with regular shampoo, if I didn't get it washed right "on time", I'd end up getting headaches...interesting! Another thing I never used to use conditioner, but the last couple years my hair got so bad I couldn't comb it at all without, not even get my fingers thru the tangles. Now I only use a tiny bit. Your stuff sounds very interesting. You'll have to post more about it!!

Unknown said...

My is really dry staticky & frizzy in the winter now - all these split ends, too. I hate it. Maybe some of the things in your post or in the comments here would help!

Unknown said...

ha - somehow didn't get the word hair in there!

Dalayna said...

I'm totally serious, Mom. That's in the evening, and I washed that morning and just left it becides towel drying. It still feels a bit heavyish from the process of my hair getting used to the natural stuff, it really is a bit of a process so I don't want anybody to think that the first or second time you do this, it feels fabulous. But it will get there. Some people it takes right away, and some people have to wait a few weeks. I'll update again when mine feels awsome. I'm determined to make it work this time.

The J's said...

Yes, I did notice the "heaviness" too, it does make it feel different. I'm thinking maybe partly it may be because it doesn't strip the hair of it's natural oils that are good. also eliminating the need for conditioner (at least the amount I had to use!) Something else I, I think the shampoos attract the dirt/oils and make it need to be washed more often. Kind of a vicious circle.

Lynisha Weeda said...

Interesting! I was snooping on your photobucket today, looking for the pic of G'ma Cilla & the kids (now on my blog) and I saw those pic's of you and though OMG - She permed her hair!
I've been trying to save up enough to start buying Arabonne shampoo etc. Wonder what my hair will do? Maybe I won't be so ready to do something drastic with it! LOL!

jrjelinek said...

I'm going to have to try that. Wow what is happening to me, my MIL ask me where I was planing on having the baby today, I've completely cut out caffiene and HFCS, I must be pregnant.

Heather said...

i wonder how the shampoo bars, being made out of oils, would work with my hair? it's soooo greasy

Janelle said...

Hi! I happened upon your blog from your mom's blog. I went to college in Lincoln the same time Jim and Jeanne were there.... I've been wondering about trying this for a while now. You've motivated me to try it! :) I love your way of living by the way. I'm right there with ya. :)

Dalayna said...

Heather, What makes your hair greasy is actually the shampoo!
It strips your hair of it's natural oils and replaces them with their oils, which makes your hair feel greasy and it needs to be washed more often. Alot of people that go No-poo' only have to wash their hair once a week. My goal is at least every 3 days for now instead of every other like I had to before. You see, your hair doesn't actually get "dirty" like the rest of your body does.

Hi Janelle!!

theo and sarah said...

Hmm, my hair is so stringy & flat that I had pretty much given up on it. I may have to give this a try. Now only if there was an easy solution for unruly eyebrows!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dalayna, I came upon your blog off of Nish's. I find your posts about "natural" living highly interesting, so hope you don't mind if i keep peeking in on you. :) I'm excited to try this shampoo! Lorinda Chipperfield

Dalayna said...

No problem! I enjoy visitors on my blog! I'm still learning quite a bit myself, so this is kind of my process :)