Friday, January 16, 2009

This one's for the girls....

So you all know how into natural products and reducing waste I am...
I tried a few new things recently so here's a review on them, just for the girls!

(Now this may be a personal, icky subject, but hey.. I was asked to post a review on them by somebody, so here goes!)
And by personal and icky, I mean that time of the month. I never thought I could save waste for that, but I can!

First up is the Diva Cup (there's also the moon cup and several others.. I picked this one because I heard the most about it and I could get it for the cheapest..)
I was nervous to try it. It looked big. Lol. But I tried it and was suprised. Once it was in place right, I couldn't feel it at all! It was actually easy to use and made those days a bit easier. I've always been able to feel tampons and they almost made me feel like they made the cramps worse. The diva cup didn't. (I got mine at if you want one, you can use code RID638 for $5 off)
And because the diva cup did leak (Just a tiny bit) a few times....

Second up are these!
They're great. The lady that makes them is very nice too. These ones are just liners, but you can find the thicker pads if you just do a google search for them. Or make your own, they'd be pretty easy I think.
I'm convinced that I'll never use paper, chemical-full products for that time again!

Another time I'll do a review on the all natural shampoo bar that I'm trying.. But I have to try it for a bit longer for my hair to get used to it and see how it goes.


Heather said...

I've read about menstrual cups before, but haven't been brave enough to try one. I usually use pads...but they can be a mess...I started trying tampons for my heaviest days, but it seemed like I could feel my cramps more intensely. Maybe I'll have to try this out...maybe...

Jeanette said...

Hmm....Thanks for the review! I have always wondered about the diva cup. Now I know.

I have always used (once they came out with them) Seventh Generation pads. Yes, they are still disposable but waaaayyy healthier! I find I do not cramp or bleed as heavy when I use them. I am one who never uses a tampon. I did when I was a teen but they cause more problems than they help.

Dalayna said...

I've heard almost everybody that's tried the Diva cup or used cloth pads say that it really reduced the cramps and bleeding. It's really convinced me that the chemicals in the regular pads and tampons are pretty bad. People have to remember, your skin asorbs that stuff.

Anonymous said...

I've heard of it/them also-- luckily for me when I'm nursing Aunt Flo stays away-- almost 17 months now :)

Lynisha Weeda said...

@ Helen - That's so not fair! I only got 6 mos out of both of my kids - and they were exclusively nursing! (and nursing for 21+ mos!)

@ Layna - I've been meaning to ask you how you liked it!
I think I'm going to have to try something different - or do 500 kegels a day... sigh. Now there's a conversation for you!

The J's said...

Well, if we all did our kegels during the amount of time that we were sitting at our computers, at least it wouldn't be totally wasted!! LOL!!

Heather said...

@ Maxine... LOL!!!

Mulberry Mama said...

Hi...I came over from Heather's blog and was so glad to see someone reviewing this! I cloth diaper and have been looking into going cloth for myself whenever Aunt Flo returns (it's been 18 months since my son was born and still nothing, but I'm thinking any time now). I'm not into tampons, do I've been pretty apprehensive about the Diva Cup, but I like what I've read about the cloth pads. Thanks for an informative post!

Mulberry Mama said...

Adding to previous comment: I've been looking into GladRags: to purchase organic cotton pads. Anyone have experience with these?

Dalayna said...

Ok, No fair to those who didn't see their peroid for 17-18 months so far. :p It was 8 months for me. phooey.
Nikki, I've never tried those ones, but have heard good things about them. They seem nice!

Laura Jelinek said...

As the person who put Dalayna up to writing a review on the menstrual cup I feel it is my duty to comment and give my opinion:-P
I have been using one of these most of the time since 2004 and am quite happy with it. I don't think I ever had any leaks and it sure saves $$ and mess and having to stand there trying to decide what to buy in the stores! Plus I have never been able to STAND tampons. They were never small enough for me and were never large enough at the same time to be efficient. I like this cause I can't feel it!
I'm not sure what kind I have but it's one of the originals. I loved how they send it in the mail in a discreat pkg. I know some people prefer the "moon cup" or the other ones like it cause they are totally latex free and a few people have had problems that way with some of the older versions.
If you have any doubts or fears order one from one of the companies that garantee it money back if you aren't satisfied after a certain amount of time.

Brenda said...

Ok, I just have to comment. I use a Diva cup too. Started out with "The Keeper," which is made of rubber. I reacted to that, and so went to the Diva cup (silicone). I can't use it the first two days because it makes me cramp so bad that no amount of ibuprofen will help. (interesting, compared to others) But after that? I use it exclusively, and even go w/out a liner. It will hold the equivalent of a super plus tampon. Another reason I don't use it the first 2 days is that I go thru a box of 18 or more superplus, and that would mean emptying the cup every 2 hours. Annoying. Beyond that, I love it!