Friday, June 19, 2009

China strikes again....

And this time they hit my little girl.

Two weeks ago on Friday, I noticed that my little girl had a weird looking rash on her feet. It was weird enough to take notice, but I didn’t think much of it as little kids get rashes all the time and because ever since it’s been nice outside, she insists on going barefoot whenever she can.

The next day when she started getting a fever, I started to get a little worried – were they connected? She ran a high fever for 2 days but then it broke and that was it. But the rash got worse. By that next Thursday/Friday the rash was horrible looking. It was reddish purplish, puffy and yet hard and when you pressed into her feet and ran your hands down, you could feel little bumps. It looked like she had an infection coming from inside her feet. It was also Thursday night that she started itching them for the first time.

I had been concerned about the rash being something that somebody else could catch and since we were at Antioch convention by that time around a few hundred people, I was worried about that… But, neither Wade or I got it or anybody else that she would have been around a lot, her relatives or our daycare providers kids. Nobody had anything.

On Friday, she started getting bumps on the tops of her feet and her hands, but it didn’t look like the same rash.. this one looked a little more like HF&M and didn’t look near as bad, but I had to figure they were related.
The other thing that confused me was that her feet were red.. more red than usual and they always felt hot to the touch. Even when she was cold. Wade & I decided that if it got ANY worse, we'd just take her into the first Dr. we could find. (We were in NE, not up here where we live)

Finally we were able to get in to our Dr. yesterday. (Thursday, just about 2 weeks after it started) She was just as confused as we were. She ruled out Hand, foot & mouth, chicken pox, Lyme disease, (We had pulled 2 ticks off her a week before the rash) athletes foot and you name it. She had no better clue about it than we did. She wrote down the whole timeline of the ticks, rash, fever, when it got worse, when it started itching, etc. and promised to do some research and call us back. She called us in the evening saying she had found nothing and that if it came back or got worse, she’d send her to the dermatologist.

Then I posted about the Dr.’s visit on facebook and I got this response from a friend:
“You said it started on her feet right? It may be the shoes she was wearing. There is a few Mom's in Oklahoma who complained about the same symptoms after their girls wore shoes that were manufactured in china. There were a few news stories about last week, something about the chemicals in the insides of the shoes. You may check into that. I know the shoes were from Wal-Mart, Payless and Costco.”

Right away it clicked. We had bought Jessi a new pair of shoes from Wal-Mart about 1-2 weeks before the rash showed up. They were a cute pair of tenne/mary jane style shoes that looked like they’d be nice summer time play shoes. She wore them all the time. It just made so much sense to me, mainly because it was the ONLY thing that anybody had come up with that made sense.
She never said anything about the brand at first, but then she made another comment with it… Danskin brand shoes from Wal-mart… Those were them!!

The article about it is here:
Not only that, but this isn’t the first time it’s happened with wal-mart and shoes from China:

The picture they have on that first news story of the shoes, those are the exact same shoes as we got for Jessi.

Now you all know how I am about chemicals. But honestly, I NEVER thought about worrying about the shoes she wears. It really really stinks because I would LOVE to buy my daughter nice shoes that AREN’T made in China, but lets be real. For a little kid who outgrows her shoes in 6 months, I just can’t afford that.

So yeah, the “rash” she had that I spent so much time worrying about and trying to find out what was, wasn’t a rash at all. Her poor little feet were BURNED.

How much would I love to boycott China?? A LOT! It’s pretty much impossible. And now every single time I buy her a pair of shoes, I’m going to worry about it.
I also wish Walmart was a little better, but that’s another story. We NEVER buy from them anymore anyways, it’s just that we happened to have to run in that day & I had been wanting to find her a pair of play shoes that weren’t flip-flops :(

When the rash started:

I very much regret that I didn't get some pictures when it was at it's worst. Take the bad red spots you see in those pictures, and imagine them covering the bottom of her feet, looking purplish, puffy and hard. That's what they looked like.

These were last night: It didn't show up all that well, but you get the picture.


Unknown said...

Ick! Scary, but glad you figured it out!

Sara-Nicole said...

Wow weird! I kind of wondered if it was some kind of burn too because of the blistering you mentioned. But never think that putting shoes on that you would be giving them a chemical bath! Glad you figured it out at least now you have closure on it where the doctor didn't know... did you tell your doctor at least then maybe they can make a reference to it somehow to help other people figure it out!

Dalayna said...

I did let the Dr. know.. She was very thankful I did as she was working late last night trying to figure it out!
She said she'd put a copy of the news article in her file just incase something comes up because of it and that she'd let the other Dr's in the practice know about it in case they see something similer.

Dalayna said...

(In Jessi's file)

The J's said...

Well, I know how much you dislike going to the Dr....BUT, I am impressed with your Dr. anyway, again! At least you have a good one!

Judy Cronk said...

So sorry about the chemically burned little feet! Glad you got it figured out.

Jeanette said...

OH MY WORD!!!!!!

Your poor baby!

Anthing that gets on your feet goes systemically into the rest of your body.

Way to be a GREAT mom and look for other causes outside the medical community box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Diane T. said...

Totally amazing. Our corporations would be sued and banned from doing business. That goodness for the power of the internet as things. I might not have thought to put it out there, but on the internet there is always someone who has the information we are needing.

Wrena said...

oh my goodness! I was wishing they had those in my girls's favorite colors and I'd buy them just a few hours ago, we were standing in the isles of walmart. Would the danskin tennies be the same. we do have one pair of them DD2 wore once and was saving for school if they fit.
Not only are walmarts shoes 99% uncomfy but they are poisoned too. :P

Heather said...

Awww, poor Jessi! Glad you got it figured out though!

Heather said...

Just read about the flip-flops...that's really scary, because I have several pairs of WalMart flip-flops! (not the flowered ones like that, though) I think I'll go elsewhere for my footwear, like Target. They have better customer service anyway.

Anonymous said...

Avery had a rash like that only it was only on the palm of his hands... the dr. said allergic reaction to some kind of chemical. We tried one kind of steroid cream...didn't work, tried another because the rash got worse... didn't work either. So since several people that we know with diabeties said that the rash reminded them of the rash that is a symptom of diabeties so we took him completely off of sugar... rash is gone. We haven't kept up with the no sugar and the rash hasn't come back but it just make you wonder.

Janelle said...

Oh my goodness. Nothing is safe anymore. So glad you got it figured out! Hope Jessi heals quickly.

J K L M N O P said...

Google salt water sandals. They aren't as cheap as wal'mart but I think you'd be much happier with just a single pair of these and they will hand down! and be very worth the few extra dollars. My kids litterally lived in these during the summer. My daughter still wears them as an adult! I never bought lots of shoes for my kids - i'd spend a few extra dollars and get them a little bit better quality that they could wear all the time!

BTW - didn't mean to by pass -- I hope she is better quickly - that is really frightening! Will watch to see how she's doing.

Heather S said...

I came across yours blog-hopping. As a mother of 4, I was glad for the info.

What a terrible thing! Who would have EVER thought of that?! Hope her feet heal fast!

Dalayna said...

Wrena, maybe the tennis shoes would be made in the same factory, I think that would be my concern.
Just going through what we have with this mess, I'll never buy Danskins again! (Or shoes from walmart probably! LOL!)

The thing is: Even if it DOESN'T cause a burn on your feet.... The chemicals are STILL there, soaking into your blood stream!!

m&mleach said...

The same thing happened to Matt with a cheap pair of work boots he bought from Walmart. It was the first pair and last pair he ever bought from there. He got these horrible purple hive looking bumps all over the tops and bottoms. He skill up to his ankles got all cracky too. We figured he must have been allergic to some type of chemical they used in the boots. Poor baby good thing you figured out what it was.

Kat said...

OH, my word. Your poor baby. I am so sorry she had to suffer so. Thanks for the warning to all of us.