Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ding ding ding!

Timer has popped!
I think it's timing is a little off though....
It's funny, with Jessi only the very tip-top stuck a little bit out. With Barrett, about half of it stuck out. This is the first time it's come all the way out! And it was all of a sudden.
22w 3d

So, we had our U/S on Tuesday. I was very determined that we wouldn't find out what we were having this time around.
Well, Here's the story.
When we found out we were expecting again, we decided we were going to wait a while this time to tell people. SO, that ment that we didn't tell Jessi either. Because she likes to talk.
About 3 days after we found out, Jessi asked me out of the blue if I had another baby in my belly! I didn't want to say yes, so I just asked her if SHE wanted there to be another baby. She said Yes!
Then, about 2 days later, she started telling me that I had a baby sister in my belly. Ever since then, it's been all about the baby sister. She wouldn't hear ANYTHING to do with "him, he, boy, brother". She would correct you if you said otherwise. (When we finally told her that yes, there was a baby in the belly at 13 weeks when we told family, she just looked at us like "why are you telling me this? I already knew that.")
Wade felt very strong that this baby was a girl. And he's been right with t he other two.
I felt very strongly that this was a girl. But I refused to say so, as I've been wrong with the other two.
So we go in for the U/S. I don't want to find out. Wade does. Jessi doesn't care, because she knows already.
The tech ask's us if we want to know. We kind of laughed at each other and she says she'll wait until the end of the u/s and ask again.
We have lots of fun, they had a brand-spanking new machine and it was awsome!! You could see things you couldn't with their "old" (only 3 years old!) machine. The regular images were almost as good as 3D!
Then, I think I see something. But don't say anything.
I ask Jessi if she really wants to know if it's a girl or if it was really a boy. She answers, "It's a girl." We ask again in a few different ways and she looks at us like we're dumb and says "It's a girl!" She called the baby a "she" or "sister" the whole time. Asked about every 2 minutes what "she" was doing on the screen.
Then, I see another image. And I know. So I tell the tech that she might as well comfirm it becuase I wasn't going to know, but not "know". That's no fun.
Here's some pictures:

The only 3D image we got. The tech waited until the end and by then the baby had put on quite a show and was finished. So here the baby was folded in half, holding it's feet. We couldn't get a face image or anything.

And here's what ended up being the telling shot. I REALLY think that if it had been done on the old machine, we wouldn't have been able to tell. But you could see EVERYTHING with this one, so it was pretty clear. (click to make bigger)
So yes, It's a GIRL!


Raimie said...

Dear Times Up,
Isn't it funny to hear what little ones have to say about these things? Jessi is quite the clairvoyant!

F and L both took opposite sides of the poll with P so I was really unsure. F was so sure it was going to be a sister that I was a little scared she was going to be upset when she came to see us at the hospital and saw her "sister" was a boy... instead she was so excited to meet him that she forgot all about wanting a girl... about ten minutes after coming into the room she craweld up on the bed with me and snuggled into my arms saying just the words I needed to hear form her, "mom, aren't you so glad he was a boy baby? Isn't it so good I got another brother?" whew!

On the other hand she's still begging for the sister and I keep explaining the 50/50 chance of getting a 3rd brother instead! ha!

So excited for you on making another beautiful (we can only assume based on your other two) baby! Especially a girl one!

As for the belly button... mine did the same thing and my kids thought it was the funniest thing ever!

No Turkey in the oven in NE

gkey said...

dear Telling,

And what a cute cute baby-belly you have going on!


The J's said...

Oh, this just cracked me up! I just remember how G'pa Harold "always" knew things too...and Derek was positive that Ryan was going to be a boy baby brother & NOTHING would change his mind either!

Wrena said...

Darling post :D

Helen said...

Congrats on another girl! We opted to not find out this time either-- both of our kids are sure it is a girl also--but guess we'll find out in March :)

Unknown said...

I just now read this - you are so funny! Jessi is a case, and a smart one, too. I was certain with each of the kids too (maybe not quite as much with Corle', tho). With Baylen, I was actually sure my 2nd child would be a son months before I was even pregnant with him, name picked out and all! (ha, I even wrote a poem about how I had 2 sons, though one wasn't even in my womb yet...intuitions are funny things! ;) )

Gramma's Corner said...

I alwasy thought ultra sound pictures were funny things, I could never see anything in them, but they sure are clear nowadays!!!

The weren't with Lynette, I didn't think except for finding out things weren't as they should be.