Thursday, November 11, 2010

A goalmark passed...

We just officially paid of more than 5K of debt.
It took 6 1/2 months. We've also put aside $1,200.00 for our birth fees for this baby.
I know that's not a whole lot, really. But it's much better than what we were doing before. :)
Things will go slower / get tighter soon, but we'll deal with that when we get to it.


The J's said...

Layna, I'm so proud of you guys! Way to go!

Gramma's Corner said...

I wish this had a "like" button! Congratulations, Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

way to go!! that's great!

Lynisha Weeda said...

Are you kidding? That IS a whole lot!!! Good for you guys for sticking with it!
Just think of how much easier things will be when it's GONE!

Dan & Cyndie said...

that's really a great acheivement. just keep chipping away at are doing so good!

Relyssa Weeda said...

Good Job!! :)

jrjelinek said...

That is wonderful, it is a lot, when you start out with nothing it is so much more. I am so proud of you. If only we were doing that well, but you are showing me it can be done. We just about have our medical bills paid off again and in 7 months will have Floyds car pain off so we will be able to start rolling that money over into something else and peak is here so hopefully we will be able to get that little extra stuck away. I need to get to the attitude that we WILL get that little extra stuck away. Love you muchly JR