Thursday, November 20, 2008

Motrin and babywearing

I love babywearing. Very much. Infact, I'm pretty sure it saved my life a time or two. ;)

Forget the fact that it makes for a great bonding experiance for mother and baby, forget that it can help a newborn adjust to being "out in the wild" the first little while easier (It will feel more like they're still in the belly), That it reduces infant crying, That it's good for babies mental & emotional development, That it can promote healthy digestion (Carrying an infant upright massasages the abdomen). These are all proven facts and there's so many more.

Forget about those. It's all about the lazy mom. I am a proud lazy mom. I wore/wear my baby so I don't have to carry her around when she's fussy and wants to be held. I wear her so I can have my hands free to do other stuff. I wore her because it was much easier to breastfeed in public if she was in a carrier. (Breastfeeding is another lazy mom trait. I was too lazy to get up in the middle of the night , to get up from my book or from relaxing to get a bottle. )

Well, maybe those first reasons also played into me wanting to wear my baby. Fact is, it's just better all around!

So yesterday I found out that Motrin came out with a new ad targeting babywearing moms.
There was such a firestorm about it, they took the ad down, but you can see it here.
And the statement from motrin after:

I'm sorry, but it's a horrible ad. If you find the right kind of carrier for you and wear it right, there's not going to be pain. Maybe after (quite) awhile, the baby will feel heavy. But you shouldn't feel pain - from wearing your baby.

And saying that mom's wear their baby's because it makes them look cool, or they think it makes them real moms??? Whatever.
Show a mom carrying her baby around all day in her arms or in the carseat.. That will give you some pain!

Anyways, here's a funny "alternative" ad.

And a few pictures of me (and Wade) wearing my baby ;) (Ok... so maybe you can't see *me* in alll of them.. :D)


The J's said...

WHEW!! That's a TERRIBLE ad! But, I'm impressed they listened, & took it off.
The 2nd one is HILARIOUS!!
And, yes you are a "cool mom" and a "real mom"!!
I'm proud of you :*)

Dalayna said...

Aww, Thanks :D

I don't think I am because of babywearing though.

But.... I DO consider my slings part of my wardrobe accessories. Lol. They're right up there with shoes. :D
But not because "everybody thinks they're cool". It's because I think they're cool. for me. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ya know, I can't think of a single time I've heard a baby in a sling crying! (Now, babies in car seats plopped in a grocery cart? Another story!) Here's to happy baby Jessi! (And smart Mommy!)


Mindy said...

yesss! getting groceries with baby in sling is the best thing ever. i love all your carriers. your mom directed me here, btw.

Dalayna said...

Thanks Mindy! I take special pride in them, since I made most of them :) (all of those except the moby & the mei tei that Wade is wearing in those pictures.)

Wearing while shopping is the best. No babies screaming while you're trying to hurry up!

Anonymous said...

I agree babywearing is a lifesaver! Although I do wish my baby wasn't a 30lb 1 year old because that does get heavy!

Heather said...

Cute pictures! I like the idea of babywearing...maybe I'll try it out someday ;)

Jane said...

Way cool....still have to check out the ads. I used your sling a lot, but now I am inspired to use it more. Do you have a good website to demonstrate all the positions? I think I just need to play with it more. Wish you were closer.

Lynisha Weeda said...

LOL! Wow, they really shot themselves in the foot with that one! Maybe they should have consulted some real babywearing moms before saying all that stuff! But seriously - boycotting motrin because of it? That's crazy! The DID apologize and take the ad off the air!

jrjelinek said...

Foot I think it was their back. Lol where the baby sling wasn't. Wish I had one of those. It might work just as handy with my school books. I have to remember to put my backpack on both shoulders which I do not and my right shoulder and neck are really tight from carrying my backpack on that side.