Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The things we eat

So as everybody knows, I’m somebody who’s pretty concerned with what’s in the stuff we eat.
Wade & I try to get the best stuff possible for our budget when we go grocery shopping. Luckly, we have a great grocery store here that carries a lot of all natural/organic stuff for a reasonable price.

But the hard part is, especially when you’re on a budget, how to know what stuff is the most "important" to try to get naturally.
Ideally, we’d love to get everything. But that’s just not possible for us when a lot of this stuff is more expensive than the pesticide, chemical full stuff.

I found a good list that shows fruits and veggies ranked from the most pesticide used, to the least. That’s kind of showed us what’s more important to get than other stuff, especially when it comes to stuff that Jessi eats.

You can find it here:

And that's all for today because I don't have any pictures ;)


The J's said...

hmmmm, sounds like you need to start gardening now that you have your own place!!!

Dalayna said...

We've already started one for next year :D

Lynisha Weeda said...

What?!?! I commented on this!
Don't remember what I said, but I did type it!

Dalayna said...
